I will hold my hands up and completely admit that when the world all went wrong earlier this year I was a reluctant Zoom user.
There was no way I'd consider moving my cpd courses to online, that's not what I'd signed up for. I'd be too distracted and wouldn't get out of it what I would in person.
Having now used Zoom a fair bit for cpd conferences I have to say I'm a fan. I can make a cuppa and sit with my dogs on the sofa and still be there! And even better, I can watch it again later!
In terms of actual dog training, do you know what.....im a convert! I'm finding it so effective in ways I would never have imagined! Bits can be recorded and watched back, meaning you guys can see what I can see in terms of you and your dog and I can talk you through it.
Sessions can be broken down much easier for those who don't have chunks of time available and we can catch up a couple of times a week instead.
You are seeing your dog's body language, looking at your timing and progressing faster as it's easier to show rather than explain!
So basically online training works, and it works really well. You get out of it what you put in.
My aversion to online conferences was a mindset against change and I'm so glad I've discovered them!