Foundation Behaviour Package
The Foundation Behaviour Package is the starting point for all behaviour issues. If your dog is reactive, please see my reactivity packages. This package consists of 1 x Initial... [ Read more ]
The Foundation Behaviour Package is the starting point for all behaviour issues. If your dog is reactive, please see my reactivity packages. This package consists of 1 x Initial... [ Read more ]
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Availability: In Stock
From: £280.00
Product code: FounBehPac
Manufacturers code: n/a
Brand: n/a
The Foundation Behaviour Package is the starting point for all behaviour issues. If your dog is reactive, please see my reactivity packages.
This package consists of
1 x Initial Consultation via Zoom and written findings - this is where we take a dive into your dog's life, past and present and make the changes needed for a solid learning foundation, whether this be management or routine changes. I will also run through some learning theory with you to help support your journey with your dog even further. No behaviour programme can stand up long term without this. If the foundations are not strong, the house will fall down. Likewise you cannot change behaviour whilst it is still happening - hence why we need management before anything!
2 x follow up sessions (available both in person and remotely) so you are not left high and dry with no support. All dogs respond differently so we get to tweak for both their and your benefit.
The majority of behaviour issues require longer term support for the dog beyond the package to acheive their full potential. There is a follow on membership available beyond the end of this package to ensure long term support where needed is affordable and available!
Also include in this feedback and support between sessions via WhatsApp
How to get started
1) Complete the Call Back Form and we can arrange a time for a free 15 minute call where we will talk through the process and what is going on with your dog right now.
2) Complete the Behaviour Questionnaire and check out. Once you have purchased the package you will be sent a Welcome Pack with your booking email.
3) Complete the Veterinary Referral form (this will be attached to your booking confirmation) and provide the veterinary history (a start date cannot be set without this information) In the majority of behaviours there is often and underlying discomfort or medical issue in the mix contributing to the behaviour. I need to rule this in or out early to ensure I can do the best for you and your dog.
4) We set a date and get started!
This package consists of
1 x Initial Consultation via Zoom and written findings - this is where we take a dive into your dog's life, past and present and make the changes needed for a solid learning foundation, whether this be management or routine changes. I will also run through some learning theory with you to help support your journey with your dog even further. No behaviour programme can stand up long term without this. If the foundations are not strong, the house will fall down. Likewise you cannot change behaviour whilst it is still happening - hence why we need management before anything!
2 x follow up sessions (available both in person and remotely) so you are not left high and dry with no support. All dogs respond differently so we get to tweak for both their and your benefit.
The majority of behaviour issues require longer term support for the dog beyond the package to acheive their full potential. There is a follow on membership available beyond the end of this package to ensure long term support where needed is affordable and available!
Also include in this feedback and support between sessions via WhatsApp
How to get started
1) Complete the Call Back Form and we can arrange a time for a free 15 minute call where we will talk through the process and what is going on with your dog right now.
2) Complete the Behaviour Questionnaire and check out. Once you have purchased the package you will be sent a Welcome Pack with your booking email.
3) Complete the Veterinary Referral form (this will be attached to your booking confirmation) and provide the veterinary history (a start date cannot be set without this information) In the majority of behaviours there is often and underlying discomfort or medical issue in the mix contributing to the behaviour. I need to rule this in or out early to ensure I can do the best for you and your dog.
4) We set a date and get started!